2 minutes
Intermediate Status
This article is part of my #100DaysOfCode and #100DaysOfBlogging challenge. R1D25
25 % of my #100DaysOfCode and #100DaysOfBlogging challenges are completed. Time for an intermediate status review.
Just do it
As mentioned in my starting post, I wanted this to be a fun and learning experience. I am very happy to see that I’ve reached all of my goals so far. My greatest concern was that I would get tired of writing (almost) every day. But this has been good practice and writing becomes easier every day.
Making time for reading an interesting article or trying something out from my to-do list, has been a wonderful achievement experience. Usually those items tend to linger around in lists forever. Now I actually engage in things of personal interest (well, for the most part).
The thing that bothers me the most is, when I lose focus and just try to accomplish my daily goal to create a new post. The content has little value and writing it lacks fun. Also writing a blog post is a huge time consumer. From the little time I have each night after kids are in bed, I would like to focus more on the actual learnings rather than writing about it.
This is why I want to adjust my rules in the #100DaysOfBlogging challenge starting today.
Instead of forcing me to blog every day, I want to focus and make time to study, code and learn. My new goal for blogging is to write a blog post once a week. If time and content permits than more often.
To another 75 days!