This is the third article in the series of Testing Legacy Code. Check out the first part Testing Legacy Code: Echo Output in which I provide information about the origin of these examples.

vfsStream is a stream wrapper for a virtual file system that may be helpful in unit tests to mock the real file system. It can be used with any unit test framework, like PHPUnit or SimpleTest.

Function with filesystem interaction

Given is a method which increments the counter persisted in the local filesystem.



namespace RefactoringLegacyCode;

use function file_get_contents;
use function file_put_contents;

class FilesystemInteraction
    public function countHit(): void
        $count = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/hit_counter.txt');
        file_put_contents(__DIR__ . '/hit_counter.txt', ++$count);

Before writing a test for it, a change to inject the dependency is required.



namespace RefactoringLegacyCode;

use function file_get_contents;
use function file_put_contents;

class FilesystemInteraction
    public function countHit(string $file = __DIR__ . '/hit_counter.txt'): void
        $count = file_get_contents($file);
        file_put_contents($file, ++$count);


With the changed method, vfsStream can now be utilized to inject a virtual file for testing.



namespace RefactoringLegacyCodeTest;

use org\bovigo\vfs\vfsStream;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use RefactoringLegacyCode\FilesystemInteraction;

class FilesystemInteractionTest extends TestCase
     * @covers \RefactoringLegacyCode\FilesystemInteraction::countHit
    public function test_countHit(): void
        $vfs = vfsStream::setup();

        $hitCounterFile = vfsStream::newFile('test_hit_counter.txt')

        $filesystemInteraction = new FilesystemInteraction();
